On The Blog

Happy New Year of the Gimp

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Happy new year folks!

sorry we've been a bit slack with the blog, but in our defence the end of the year was pretty busy for us. we should say thank you to everyone who came to our soho theatre run, it was really good fun and reminded us how much we loved doing the 2013 show. we even performed it at eleven in the morning to an audience of mums and babies. seriously. thanks to the two steves, mark and everyone at soho for having us again. oh, and thanks to richard for not quitting the group even after we put wasabi in his hamburger on the last night.

but looking forward. . . we have news!

the first and probably most exciting bit of news is that we're going to australia!

we've been invited to perform for a month at the melbourne comedy festival at the end of march with a whole host of other brilliant acts, and we're just a little bit ecstatic about it. except david, who has a crippling fear of flying. but australia's not far, is it?

Next up: live dates. this year we won't be taking a new show to edinburgh, but instead we'll be touring around the place with what we hope will be our most impressive show: a best of the last five years' material. we'll be visiting brighton, ireland, london (three dates in the udderbelly on the south bank), tring, edinburgh (for one weekend), the usual festivals and - fingers crossed - hopefully a uk tour at the end of this year. we'll add anything to the live dates page when it's confirmed.

so there's plenty of gimp action to be looking forward to in 2014. hope to see you at a gig very soon.
